July 13, 2016
State and local officials continue to issue proclamations this summer extolling the value of business aviation to their region and the county. In July, Kentucky Gov. Matthew Bevin, along with mayors from North Carolina to Nevada, praised the industry for the role it plays in the lives of citizens everywhere.
“Business aviation is an invaluable tool for companies in Kentucky to support their operations, thus bringing new business, investment and jobs to Kentucky,” Bevin wrote. “Business aircraft improve efficiency, save money and open doors of opportunity to rural areas not reached by commercial aviation.”
Bevin noted a recent study that found general aviation contributes more than $1.6 billion to Kentucky’s economy. The state is home to 53 public-use general aviation airports, serving 5,827 pilots and 1,934 active general aviation aircraft. General aviation supports 9,400 jobs across the state.
“A great many businesses and communities in Kentucky depend on general aviation aircraft and small aircraft for all types of mobility,” the governor wrote.
View the Kentucky proclamation. (PDF)
Additional proclamations in Kentucky were issued by:
- Ashland Mayor Chuck Charles. View the Ashland proclamation. (PDF)
- Cynthiana Mayor James Smith. View the Cynthiana proclamation. (PDF)
- Elizabethtown Mayor Edna Berger. View the Elizabethtown proclamation. (PDF)
Mesquite, NV Mayor Allan Litman said this month that general aviation and the Mesquite Metro Airport “have an immense economic impact on the city of Mesquite. He also noted the importance of his state’s 49 public-use airports, which serve 6,811 pilots and 2,246 active general aviation aircraft.” View the Mesquite proclamation. (PDF)
North Carolina
Jamie Daniels, mayor of Manteo, NC, wrote, “The city of Manteo in the state of North Carolina has a significant interest in the continued vitality of general aviation, aircraft manufacturing, aviation educational institutions, aviation organizations and community airports.” View the Manteo proclamation. (PDF)
Officials in Middletown and Waukesha, WI issued proclamations this month. “General aviation not only supports Wisconsin’s economy, but it also improves quality of life by supporting emergency medical and healthcare services, law enforcement, firefighting and disaster relief, and by transporting business travelers to their destinations quickly and safety,” both proclamations noted.
The documents also mentioned the Experimental Aircraft Association’s AirVenture Oshkosh, which takes place in Wisconsin July 25 to 31.
View Middletown Mayor Kurt Sonnentag’s proclamation. (PDF)
View Waukesha Mayor Shawn Reilly’s proclamation. (PDF)
To date, hundreds of local officials, as well as leaders from every state, have issued official proclamations about the industry’s value to their area.