It's a fact: Business aviation plays a vital role for citizens, companies and communities across the U.S. Educating policymakers and opinion leaders about this fact is the central idea behind No Plane No Gain, a comprehensive advocacy initiative for the business aviation community jointly sponsored by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA).
Business Aviation Means
Business Aviation Means
Business Aviation Means
Business Aviation Means
Business Aviation Means
Business aviation is located in every state in the country, giving the industry a powerful voice with Congress. An easy-to-use No Plane No Gain advocacy tool helps you ensure your elected officials understand the industry’s size and significance. Contact Congress now.
Business aviation is a great industry, comprised of great people and great companies. The No Plane No Gain advocacy campaign continually shares this essential American story with policymakers and opinion leaders – it’s important that we continue to tell the story, and you can help. Read stories about business aviation and share your own.