May 7, 2018
Massachusetts Gov. Charles Baker highlighted the importance of the industry to the commonwealth by proclaiming May as General Aviation Appreciation Month.
“General aviation and community airports play a critical role in the lives of our citizens, as well as in the operation of our businesses and farms,” he wrote. “Many communities in Massachusetts depend heavily on general aviation and community airports for the continued flow of commerce, tourists and visitors to our state.”
According to the Massachusetts Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study Update, general aviation airports contribute more than $516 million to the state’s economy. General aviation airports in Massachusetts support 4,466 jobs and a total payroll of $169 million.
“The commonwealth of Massachusetts has a significant interest in the continued vitality of general aviation, aerospace aircraft manufacturing, educational institutions, aviation organizations, community airports and airport operators,” Baker wrote.
Read the full Massachusetts proclamation. (PDF)
Other General Aviation Appreciation Month proclamations issued in May include: