Dec. 6, 2016
Recognizing the important role general aviation, including business aviation, and community airports play in the lives of citizens and the operation of businesses and farms in the state of Ohio, several mayors proclaimed December 2016 as General Aviation Month.
“According to the 2014 Ohio Airports Economic Impact study, general aviation airports in Ohio support 17,497 jobs and $688 million in annual payroll,” the proclamations read. “According to the same source, fractional aircraft companies, including NetJets, MaxFlight and Flight Operations employ more than 1,400 Ohio workers.”
Ohio is home to 150 public-use, general aviation airports, which serve 15,586 pilots and 6,319 active general aviation aircraft. General aviation airports contribute more than $1.8 billion to the state’s economy.
“Many communities in Ohio depend heavily on general aviation and community airports for the continued flow of commerce, tourists and visitors to our state,” according to the proclamation.
- View a proclamation from Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley. (PDF)
- View a proclamation from Findlay Mayor Lydia Mihalik. (PDF)
- View a proclamation from Mansfield Mayor Tim Theaker. (PDF)
- View a proclamation from Youngstown Mayor John McNally. (PDF)
- View a proclamation from Zanesville Mayor Jeff Tilton. (PDF)
Also issuing a proclamation this month was Indianapolis Mayor Joseph Hogsett.
“The Indianapolis Metropolitan, Indianapolis Executive and Indianapolis Regional Airports have an immense economic impact on Indianapolis – general aviation airports in Indiana produce $5.9 billion annually,” he wrote. “The nation’s aviation infrastructure represents an important public benefit, and the city of Indianapolis seeks to support the continued vitality of general aviation.”