Oct. 15, 2019
North Dakota’s Williston Basin International Airport (XWA) opened Oct. 10, and officials expect the $273 million airport will provide needed capacity for business and commercial aviation now, with room for future expansion.
The new airport is located 10 miles northwest of Williston, ND, and was a “from the ground up” construction project that took just three years from groundbreaking to public opening for the airport and all supporting infrastructure to be built.
Increased demand in the region prompted the need for a replacement for Sloulin Field (ISN), built in 1947. The previous regional airport did not meet current FAA safety and operational standards.
“I was honored to be present representing NBAA at the grand opening celebration of XWA on Oct. 4, and it was truly refreshing to witness the culmination of many years of overwhelming support from the local, state, and federal level for this brand new airport infrastructure,” said Kristi Ivey, NBAA northern mountain regional representative.
“With the increased volume of traffic in this region, and the constraints of Sloulin Field, the foresight in planning this new airport addresses the needs of and provides enhanced services for all aviation users, including U.S. Customs clearing, maintenance, refueling, deicing and more,” she added.
The new airport includes Overland Aviation, a full-service FBO with passenger lobby, fuel, secured overnight parking, maintenance, and a heated 30,000 square-foot hanger to accommodate up to a Gulfstream G600. The passenger terminal area at the FBO is scheduled to open next month..
“The state is proud to have partnered with the federal and local governments by investing $55 million into this incredible facility, one that will enhance the state’s ability to safely and efficiently move people and goods while also providing our citizens and businesses with direct access to the global marketplace,” said Kyle Wanner, executive director of the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission.
Learn more about Williston Basin International Airport.