Author Archives: Benjamin Swiatek

Adkins Rolls Out ‘Caucus’ Plan

Kim Adkins on Monday unveiled a plan to strengthen the middle class and create jobs in Virginia’s 20th District through the creation of a “Former Local Elected Officials Caucus” in the General Assembly.

New FAA Grant Part of Plan to Improve Airport

The Porter County Regional Airport recently received a $1.4 million grant from the Federal Aviation Administration, one in a series of grants totaling millions of dollars being used to restore the airport’s east-west runway.

Aerospace, Aviation Industries Booming

Most Kentuckians know that the commonwealth plays a major role in the auto industry – in fact, only two states produce more cars and trucks than we do – but far fewer are likely aware that our work in aerospace and aviation has overtaken it.

Business Aviation and the World’s Top Performing Companies

This 2013 NEXA Advisors study found that on a global level, companies using business aviation overwhelmingly take top honors in revenue growth, innovation, employee satisfaction, and market share, confirming that business aircraft are a mark of a well-managed global company.

Government Use of Aircraft: A Taxpayer Value Perspective

Produced by NEXA Advisors in 2012, this study demonstrates that local, state and federal government use of business aircraft increases agency or departmental efficiency, providing significant taxpayer value.